New Silver Program!

11 Sep

So, it’s been about 7 years since I’ve had an actual program and I am so excited!  I’m fiddling with the crazy idea of taking my silver free test with my silver moves test. The only issue is that I must pass the moves in order to take the free and I have to say I’m getting a bit of cold feet about this. I have no problem taking the free test even if the program is only 25 seconds at the moment, I think it is much easier to stand up on the jumps and spins, the problem is… the moves. UGH.

Now, you would think after working on these for ohh… let’s be generous and say…9 months consistently that these would be a piece of cake. You would be wrong. Dead wrong. I’ve got a back outside 3 turn problem that’s as big as the hoover dam. That’s pretty big. Maybe bigger, like the size of Texas big. Yeah, you get the point. Damn those 3 turns and damn my free leg. Eh.

Anyway, while I’m pondering my silver moves death star test I’ll show you the first few seconds of my brand spanking new silver free program. We just started on this about two weeks ago and I think the waltz in the beginning is going to get changed out but for now…sigh.. I am happy just to have something! Just to be skating to music instead of the dead space I call public session music is lovely.

I had a friend take the video for me during a public session last week and the music was pretty much in my head. Ok, all in my head but I dubbed in the music to make the video. I think it worked pretty well.  I do think my coach thinks otherwise at the moment but I’m going to go with the whole “I’m actually connecting the moves in some way that resembles something like a program” point of view. There is a lot of work to be done for sure like the camel spin, ina bauer connection etc but I’m moving that butt of mine down the ice and that’s better than nothing right now.

So without further ado, after 7 years program-less here is the first 25 seconds…. TA DAAA!

(don’t forget the popcorn!)


2 Responses to “New Silver Program!”

  1. Skatecat September 11, 2014 at 3:23 pm #

    I think the program looks great so far!! Keep going!!

    As for the MIF test, I feel your pain. I say go for it. I think you can do it. And after you’re finished and pass, you can take the test for me!! 🙂

    • dream2skate September 11, 2014 at 3:27 pm #

      Haha! Thanks, I’ll just tell the judges I’m testing for two! I’m sure they’ll love that

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